what is your intention?
We go to yoga class. We start the class by making an intention. Then what?
Do we hold true to its energy every second of the class? No. We tuck it away in our heart and let it speak its own words to our soul.
be patient for the prana to do its work
For, the energy of a wish comes from within us and can hardly hide its wings when we are allowing the prana to circulate as we move our bodies in twists and waves.
What we feel comes from within. Before the words even articulate themselves to our being, we know what it is we are trying to say.
sometimes no words
Sometimes we are silenced. Sometimes this is a blessing. In this inability to find words, our soul is telling us to go deeper. Look into the still pond of your being. Do not always rely on words. Look to the swirling space that doesn't want to hear your words and give it your thanks.
There is more to living.
© 2010 Yoga Robin®