Music and yoga paired

For making the best yoga playlist, from my experience it's all about the chakras—the energy centers located along the spine and in the head connected by channels which funnel energy throughout the body...

During a phenomenal yoga practice your mind, body, heart and soul move through the whole chakra spectrum, ideally starting at chakra 1 and progressing upward to chakra 7. Therefore, it creates a moving and dynamic yoga practice to have the music emulate this journey.

For a 90 minute practice, or I prefer a 108 minute practice...

Chakra 1) is about being grounded and survival mode. It's at the base of your spine. It's all about plugging your feet in the earth and allowing the grounding force to connect us to the energies that empower our being. Chose one song that is tribal in nature like drums or Tibetan.

Chakra 2) is about sexuality and creativity. Its focus is in the lower abdomen. It's about feeling that inner craving and sexuality within yourself and transforming it to inner fuel. Chose a couple songs that stir this part of your nature.

Chakra 3) is about momentum, getting moving, making things happen, and feeding our self-esteem. Its focus is in the solar plexus—below the ribcage. Chose fast songs that make you really want to move. You will remain in this chakra for longer than the prior two so, chose 3-4 songs.

Chakra 4) is about opening the heart. It's at the center of the chest. It is where you do backbends in class which can make many feel extreme love or cry. Chose songs that are heartwarming and fast, or slow but of a nature that opens to your loving nature. Chose 2 songs.

Chakra 5) is about communication. Its focus is in the throat. It's about tapping into pure honesty within yourself and communicating these truths with words internally. At this point in your practice you should be clear-headed and know your truth. Chose songs of this nature, slow or fast. 1-2 songs.

Chakra 6) is about intuition. Its focus is on the 3rd eye. The songs should wind down to a more surreal mode and speak to your inner intuition that knows without speaking and can communicate without words.

Chakra 7) is about infinity and connecting with the universe. This is the whole point of yoga—reaching this place... and is usually where you should be at the end of your practice (shavasana) lying still, breathing gently, taking it all in). It is the most blissful part of your yoga practice so the song should be the be the best song you've got for truly chilling out. Monsoon Point by Amelia Cuni is my favorite.

Test out your playlist by practicing to it alone or with a favorite partner, paying close attention to each of the chakras and the sensations that occur. Let yourself really feel them! It's amazing to couple music together with yoga in this fashion. It's what has kept me going for all these years....


© 2010 Yoga Robin®
